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Doula and Lactation Support
Birth Doula Support
The role of the birth doula is to nurture and protect your memory of your birth experience. Doulas can provide reassurance, resources, and perspective to you and your partner (if applicable), make suggestions for labor progress, and help with relaxation, soothing touch, positioning, and other techniques for comfort.
What is Included: 2 prenatal visits, continuous active labor and birth support, immediate postpartum and newborn feeding support/lactation initiation, 2 postpartum visits, lactation education.
Cost: $2200
Lactation Support
Supporting you through your nursing journey with education, resources, and support via text, email, phone/video call, in-person, as needed.
Cost: $200
Postpartum Doula Support
Support tailored to your needs and may include, but is not limited to: postpartum education/planning, lactation/feeding support, sleep techniques, meals/meal planning, sibling/family involvement and adjustment.
Cost: $65/Hour
(4-hour minimum in-person; 1-hour minimum virtual; No Overnights)
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